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Our Story

The inspirations

Three encounters inspired the founding of Purple Superfoods, in our discovery of superfoods containing anthocyanins.

1. A bucket list trip to Peru, discovering the health benefits of purple corn, and tasting the refreshing Chicha Morada (spiced purple corn drink).

2. A homegrown research from the National University of Singapore invented the diabetic-friendly bread, which happens to be purple, made from the anthocyanin-rich black rice extract. “Rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants, digested 20% slower than regular white bread,” this purple bread has lower glycemic index than normal white bread, reported CNN.   [Link to news]

3. A BBC documentary “How To Stay Young” revealed that “Purple sweet potato is the secret to living until 100”. Professor Craig Wilcox who studied the diet of Okinawa centennials believes a key factor in their vigorous health can be attributed to the anthocyanins in the purple sweet potato.   [Link to news]

Why Purple?


One of nature’s most powerful antioxidants

Purple is the colour of anthocyanins, the natural plant pigments that impart colours of purple, blue and red in fruits, grains and vegetables. It is a phytonutrient with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

As antioxidant, Anthocyanins help our body get rid of the free radicals that cause oxidative damage.

The NUS press release in Feb 2016 stated that:

“Scientific studies have shown that anthocyanins are rich in antioxidant properties and may help prevent cardiovascular and neurological diseases, cancer, and inflammation.”  

“Anthocyanins are also known to play a role in controlling obesity and diabetes as they can inhibit digestive enzymes and hence reducing blood glucose levels.”

The darker the purple, the higher the level of Anthocyanins. Over 600 subtypes of anthocyanins have been classified, but only 6 of these are commonly found in fruits and vegetables.

Unlike vitamin C, the antioxidant properties of Anthocyanins are well retained at temperatures up to 165-200°C.  [Food Chem 2014, CNN 2016, NUS 2016]

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